June Member of the Month
Congratulations to the June Member of the Month, as well as our 30 day challenge winner, Cynthia A. Cynthia has shown a tremendous amount of dedication and commitment toward living a healthier life. Her ability to want to lead and share her experience of adopting a healthier lifestyle of fitness and nutrition, shows in the way she shares it with the people around her. Thank you Cynthia for pushing yourself the way you do and becoming a part of the K.Shan Performance family, as well as making us a part of yours.
Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness? Off and on, I have been working out for about twenty years. I started taking things a little more seriously in June of 2015. I think the thing I enjoy most about fitness is the mental clarity and the boost of physical energy that being fit has in my life.
Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?
Since training at K. Shan I have learned that fitness is a lifetime commitment to change. The change in how I view food, the change in how I view my self, and the change in how I view my training time. I learned that even though I have always valued my time, all of my time was being invested in caring for others and I didn't invest any time on myself and if I did, I would feel guilty. I learned that investing 1 hour on my self at least 5 times a week makes it easier to care for others more passionately. I am happy and it is contagious. I feel healthy and that is contagious. I feel accomplished and that is contagious. I feel fit and committed to trying to better myself and that is contagious. My household mojo has shifted to a more positive can-do attitude. I have always been the rock of my family and today I am leading by example.
What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?
What I love most about the workouts is that I am not jumping around like a crazy lady for an hour. Yeah, we do some jumping but not for hours on end and I get the same calorie burn as if I was. My favorite exercise are blanks, I love that I can control the hold and just focus on breathing. Of course I also love cool down especially because I just accomplished another kick a🏋🏼🏋🏼 workout
What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?
If someone is looking to start training, I recommend they go to visit the gym. They should see the atmosphere of the gym while training and talk to the trainer and tell them what they are looking for. Find a trainer that believes in you, that holds you accountable, that challenges you and that educates you and is able to guide you in finding the better version of yourself!