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April Member of the Month-Josh C.

Congratulations to this month's member of the month, Josh C. Josh first started up with us right around the New Year. Josh's early success has been attributed to his consistency in making his health and wellness a priority. In Josh's first month with us he lost 12.2 lbs! Even when Josh is feeling beat up, running on a lack of sleep, he still finds his way in to the sessions and puts his best foot forward. Keep up the awesome work Josh!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

Over the years I've gone through short spurts of going to the gym, but never really committed myself to working out. I was always involved in sports from a young age through high school and then the past couple years playing sand volleyball and playing and coaching soccer.

To be honest I've never really enjoyed fitness until recently and it has always been a struggle for me. I have always enjoyed the competitive aspect of playing sports. I would have to say that I enjoy being competitive with myself in training and trying to overcome the obstacles I've faced in the past i.e. weight gain and actually making it to the gym to workout haha.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

Since coming to K.Shan Performance I have learned that fitness is not just a on and off type of deal, you really have to put forth the effort and time to get the results you want. I also learned that having a strong core is essential basically everything and plays a major part in the development of other muscle groups. As Kyle said to me around the time I started "You're only as strong as your core allows you to be."

From the time I started training until now I have made large strides in overcoming the obstacles I mentioned before. I am learning that I can achieve a lot of my fitness goals. I will say that it's not something that I do just by myself. Since coming to K.Shan the amount of support and encouragement I've gotten not only from my family, but from my fellow members/friends and Kyle and Drew is amazing. I learned that having a good support team and people rooting for you is important to staying on the track.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

I like that everyday coming in there are set workouts already planned out. Whether I like the exercise or not if its on the board I know I'll have to do it. I use to hate doing any core exercises and would never add them to the routines I used to do at the gym. Now I realized how important they are and sometimes I don't mind doing them as much haha. I can't decide which is my favorite exercise, but I like sled pushes, ropes, kettle bell rope pulls and planks.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

I would recommend to just start now. The hardest step is starting. I would also say come to K.Shan Performance. There is a great support system here and no matter how in shape or out of shape you the Kyle and Drew will find a way to get you to where you want to be. There is a great atmosphere and no one judges you for things you may not be able to currently do, but gives you the encouragement that soon you will be able to accomplish those things.

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