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November Member of the Month-Sean Z

Congratulations to this month's member of the month, Sean Z. Sean is coming up on his two year anniversary with us at K.Shan Performance in February, and has shown a tremendous work ethic and commitment to putting his best foot forward with each session at the fitness center. This recognition has been a long time over due, keep up the great work Sean!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

I worked out through college and a year or two after. Prior coming to Kshan i was out of the gym for 4-5 years. What I enjoy most about fitness is the amount of energy I have and the results that show in strength and looks. I love being able to increase my weight in various exercises every month.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

I learned that it is not about going out and competing against others at this point in my life. Its about competing against yourself and pushing others to do the same to improve themselves. It is also not about how much weight you can do but the form you do it. It is much more productive to do the exercises with perfect form vs. heavier weights. I enjoy helping others out at the gym on a regular basis to not over lift in weight but keep good form.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

The work outs are fantastic. At previous gyms, I would plan my own and always end up doing the same thing week after week. You can come here 6 days a week and not repeat an exercise, the diversity is awesome. My favorite exercises are probably kettle bell touches, sit up throws, and all of the diverse core work outs. Its not always about benching and squatting.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

I would recommend to start coming 2-4x a week, start light or even body weight, and do not give up on yourself. It will hurt, and they will be sore for the first month. After that you are guaranteed to see results and feel better overall on a day to day basis.

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