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December Member of the Month-Wyatt J.

Congratulations to this month's member of the month, Wyatt J. Wyatt joined us a little over 3 months ago. New to the area, freshly moved in from Michigan; Wyatt walked through the door with an outstanding work ethic and personality that clicked to what we represent here at K.Shan Performance. We thank you for always putting 100% effort in to your sessions and we look forward to guessing which super hero sock you will be wearing tomorrow. Good job Wyatt!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

I have been working out since I was 13 years old. I started lifting because I played sports in school, but I loved it so much I made it part of my daily routine after graduating from high school. Fitness has become my stress reliever. Everybody has that one hobby to help them relax, and I have found that in working out. I could be stressed out about something, but once I come to the gym I am able to put all my focus into my workout and just relax.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

The biggest thing I have learned about fitness since training at K.Shan is that it is more mental than anything. If you always say can't or scared to fail of course you won't be able to do something. By having a positive mindset, no challenge or workout will seem impossible. You will be able to do so much more than you ever imagine and continue to gain confidence when it comes to your workout and life.

What I have learned about myself is that no challenge is too big. I feel like in the past, I always plateau with my workouts because I did not believe I was capable of doing more. In just three months coming to K.Shan, I am reaching personal gains faster and going to a whole new level in my workouts. I believe majority of the credit for my change goes to Kyle and the amazing people (like my main man Jeff) I get to workout out with each and everyday. Because of their encouragement and pushing me, I am seeing I can do so much more.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

I like the variety in the workouts. Each day is a challenge and something new, no two workouts are the same. Before coming to K.Shan, I would follow a workout plan, but got bored within a couple of weeks because I would do the same exercises over and over. Now, I never know what to expect to see on the chalk board when I walk into the gym which is exciting.

The best exercise is OBSTACLE BEAR CRAWL! All other exercise is inferior.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

Like Nike says, just do it! Come to the gym, and give it a try. You will not regret it one bit!

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