5 Tips to Boost your Immune System
Here are 5 Simple Tips that you can start today to help boost your immune system health:
1. Drink half your bodyweight in fluid oz. of water- Get yourself a water bottle and keep track of how many you need to drink throughout the day in order to accomplish this. For some added taste, as well as vitamins, you can squeeze in lemons or limes.
2. Green Tea or Coffee? Both have antioxidants in them but Green Tea is higher in helping support immune defense due to a higher amount of antioxidants.
3. Sleep-adequate sleep throughout the night is crucial in recovery and maintaining equilibrium with our bodies to make sure we are getting adequate rest. A lack of sleep can contribute to increased stress which makes us more susceptible to having a weakened immune system.
4. Eat your veggies! Vegetables are packed with vitamins that help keep us healthy. In any meal that you can, try and add in vegetables which also contains fiber. Fiber keeps our gut bacteria nice and healthy to fuel our immune system.
5. Stress- Stress plays a key role in how susceptible we are to illness. Try to decrease and limit your stress by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising. Meditation is great for decreasing stress as well but it will not be just one thing that helps decrease stress, it will be a combination of everything to make sure you are staying well balanced.