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December Member of the Month-Clair F.

This month's member of the month is Clair F. In the past couple of months Clair has been able to do awesome things with his weight loss goals. With a goal to break the 200 lb. barrier on the scale, Clair was successfully able to do that! We are extremely proud of what Clair has been able to accomplish here during his time with us!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

For me, working out actually goes back to the 1980’s. I’ve been in and out of gyms, with varying results for about about 35 years. I arrived at K.Shan about a year ago in pretty rough shape both physically and mentally. What I enjoy most is simple. I like the way I feel, physically. I can feel that I move better, smoother, and with more purpose. I also like the way my jeans fit but that’s another story...

Since training at KSP Fitness, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

Fitness is an ongoing process. It’s not just about reaching a goal. I actually reached my weight goal the week before Thanksgiving and while I’m really pleased with myself, I know there’s still work to be done and other things to achieve. As for what I've learned about myself well, the biggest things is more psychological than physical. Looking at what I’ve achieved at K.Shan has given me a lot more confidence in other areas of my life.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

My favorite thing about the workouts is the way it clears my head. It’s taught me to focus better on other things as well and I really enjoy that. I don’t really have a favorite exercise but I do have some favorite equipment: the rings. For me, doing any exercise on the rings just makes it more enjoyable. It’s all about me and gravity, and that makes me feel powerful.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

Dive in. I know from personal experience that walking in to a gym can be intimidating but remember, everyone in there was in your shoes at one time. At K. Shan, I’ve never met anyone, staff or gym member that wasn’t helpful, friendly and full of encouragement.

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