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July Member(s) of The Month-Caitlin C, Ginny C

This month's member of the month is a little different in a sense that we have TWO members of the month. Congratulations to Caitlin and Ginny on being selected as this month's members of the month for all of their hard work and dedication over the past few months. Both of their hard work and determination was put on display during challenge week in which they were on the leaderboards every day. Keep up all of your hard work and thank you for being a part of the K.Shan Performance Community!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

Caitlin- Over the course of my life, I have spent many hours working out in cheerleading gyms. However, these gyms don't have any weights-just people to lift and my own body to flip. With that, I’ve been working out since I was in third grade. Over the past two years since I graduated college and retired from cheerleading, I’ve had the opportunity to work out at “normal” gyms-of which I’ve been at K.Shan for about 9 months now. The most enjoyable aspect of fitness from my perspective is the sense of accomplishment that you feel right after a workout when your sweat hits the outside air and you feel like you've put your best foot forward on the day.

Ginny-I started to take my fitness more seriously when I began cheerleading in college. Commitment to a practice schedule and working out with a trainer multiple times each week helped me to realize how much better my body feels with a consistent workout schedule.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

Caitlin- During my time at K.Shan Performance, what I’ve learned about fitness is that it needs to become a priority and once it becomes a priority it will become a habit. It took me a while to get into that mindset, but I have finally reached that point- and it feels great! What I have learned about myself through K.Shan Performance is knowing the people I workout with really makes the difference! It holds me accountable and keeps me coming back!

Ginny-After graduating from college I felt stuck in my workout routine and failed at multiple local gyms. Once I signed up for K. Shan and began attending classes I felt like I finally found the right place for me. I have learned that I do better with constant support from a trainer that understands both my strengths and weaknesses in order to push me the right amount—which Kyle and Drew both do.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

Caitlin-What I like most about the workouts is hands down the variety. It never gets monotonous especially with the intermittent weight loss challenges and challenge weeks. Who doesn't like a little bit of friendly competition :) My favorite exercise is any movement with the sliders. Even though they are tough, every time I do them I notice how much stronger I feel compared to the previous time.

Ginny-My favorite part about working out at K. Shan is the support I get during workouts from the other members. Having support and encouragement from the people around me has made working out much more enjoyable.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

Caitlin- My recommendation is to just START. The first time going to a new gym, the first workout, the first time with new people is intimidating-take the leap of faith and START.

Ginny-If you’re considering training at K. Shan, you should do it—you won’t be disappointed. Both Kyle and Drew are committed to working with you, no matter your ability level, and will accommodate the workouts to help you progress and grow stronger.

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