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March Member(s) of the Month-Jenn and Chris E.

A big congratulations to this month's members of the month, Chris and Jenn E. Jenn first joined with us and then Chris came along not too long after. The dedication that these two have shown over the course of the past several months has been truly awesome. They both live extremely busy lives, yet they both find the time to make their health a priority and serve as role models to their three beautiful children. Chris just recently lost 17.4 lbs during our 30 day challenge to start the year off, and Jenn has proven that your strength can increase each and every day even while you're working towards your weight loss goal. You two serve as great role models and we are grateful to have members like yourselves!!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?


During my childhood years into high school, I was involved in many different sports. From basketball to volleyball, tennis, golf, and my all-time favorite, skiing. At the age of 12, I had my first knee surgery followed by another 6 over the next 5 years. I eventually gave up sports due to the ongoing injury.

I went to gyms on and off throughout high school, college and pretty much up until I became pregnant. I enjoyed going to the gym, but looking back, I realize that I lacked consistency in going and I only pushed myself to what I thought was my max. My entire outlook on fitness as a whole has drastically changed over the last 10 months since joining K.Shan Performance.

The thing I enjoy most about fitness is the feeling of achievement after every class and seeing results. I am grateful for Kyle and Drew who not only want to see us attain set goals, but who also believe in each and every one of us. I am grateful for an amazing group of members who are truly a gym family that constantly encourage and compliment progress amongst other members.


Quite honestly I never had any workout routine for any great length of time. The last time was many years ago after becoming a nurse and working nightshift. I had a set routine but that fell to the wayside after changing shifts. I never really had any real dedication to my fitness. This changed when I joined on Memorial Day of 2016. I was hesitant to even try at first because it was much easier not doing anything, but quickly found that the progress while slow and not exactly easy was much better than the alternative. I now find myself excited and energized going to K.Shan Performance and about my fitness.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?


I have learned that motivation, drive and heart are important in reaching fitness goals. My entire attitude has changed since I started K.Shan Performance. I embrace fitness, eating healthy and strive for healthy living.

I have learned a lot about myself throughout this journey. I learned that I am physically capable of doing things that at some point thought were unattainable.


I have learned that fitness can be fun, and certainly rewarding. I have built many new friendships that help me to challenge myself and succeed. I had read a long time ago about the 40% rule. It essentially states that you think you have reached your max when you are at 40%, in reality your body can go the extra 60%. By realizing this fact you can push yourself to accomplish great things. With a stressful job, and 3 young children at home there is a lot of time that I just want to try and sleep in on a Saturday morning or call it quits for the night early. I have found myself pushing myself to make it to the fitness center. My wife and co-member of the month support each other and have built this as a priority in our routines. We do this as a team and use the opportunity to expose our children to fitness and great role models in our fellow members and trainers. There are many gyms and fitness centers between our home and the K.Shan Performance Training Center, we drive some nights 40 minutes one way but it is well worth it to challenge ourselves among like-minded individuals.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?


I love the variety in workouts. Each day is different and the anticipation of what Kyle has in store for us each day is what drives me through the long and stressful work day.

I would have to say that my favorite exercise is ball slams against the wall. It allows me to get in my zone and release any stressors from the day and it's a great core exercise.


Everyone supports everyone in a TEAM, FAMILY, like environment whether you are pulling 5 pounds or 500 pounds. Each person challenges themselves to exceed their own expectations, but the family like environment encourages your internal drive whether you are starting out and need help with form, or need the encouragement to finish your reps when your body wants to quit. I love that everything is planned for me that all I have to do is show up. Kyle and Drew provide first hand demonstration before each exercise and then coach you on form to ensure your safety and success. I would have to say that my favorite exercises involve the sleds.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?


K.Shan Performance is geared toward people of all fitness levels. It's a place that from day one, fitness and health will become a permanent facet in your life. There are no excuses. Just come and see for yourself!


Just show up. It won’t be easy at first, but as you continue to show up, amazing things happen. The human body is capable of so many things, you just have to find the inner drive to do it! This fitness center is like no other, EVERYONE pushes each other to succeed. K.Shan Performance Training Center does everything to help you succeed whether it is the staff, or members in a comfortable supportive environment, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHOW UP!

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