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July Member of the Month-Jeff S.

Congratulations to this month's member of the month, Jeff S. You will rarely see this guy leaving the gym without his shirt completely drenched. Jeff enters each training session with the mentality of giving it his all and it truly shows in his workouts. Jeff's tremendous work ethic has allowed him to be recognized at the Member of the Month. Thank you Jeff!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

I can't remember when I started exercising. It has always been a big part of my life, thanks mostly to my Dad. My Dad was a Health and Physical Education Teacher for over 35 years . When I was younger, he was the head wrestling coach at Salisbury High School. He used to take me to all the practices. He strongly encouraged, sometimes demanded, me to be active and instilled in me the importance of a healthy lifestyle. My hope is I can pass that mindset on to my 5-year old son, Christian.

Growing up, my neighborhood had a great bunch of guys with one big thing in common: we all played sports. We'd play everything: baseball, football, street hockey, whatever the season, all day, every day. I played baseball up through my mid-20's.

What I enjoy most about fitness is the opportunity at age 53 to still challenge myself, both physically and mentally. Fitness provides a tremendous outlet and helps me strive to achieve a healthy balance in my life.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

What I learned most about fitness since training with Kyle is the importance of developing a strong core. Many of the exercises in Kyle's sessions I am doing for the first time. I came to Kyle asking if he could help me with my flexibility. He has shown me that strengthening your core helps support other areas of your body. All I know is my back isn't stiff and I don't feel like I was hit by a truck when I wake up in the morning anymore. I can't help but think Kyle's sessions have been a major contributor to how I feel right now.

What I have learned most about myself is to be open to new ideas and surround yourself with people who are supportive of your goals. Kyle and the other members of K.Shan Performance truly exemplify the phrase on our shirts: you're competing against yourself among like-minded individuals.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

1) The workout sessions are varied. There is always something new added.

2) Whether there are 3 or 13 people in a session, Kyle keeps us moving. There is no wasted time during the hour we are there.

3) The coaching and demonstrating of our routines. Kyle is big on technique and takes the time to show us not only what we are doing but how to do it correctly.

4) It's been a great family experience: my wife, Julie and step-daughter, Maria are KShan members too.

5) The atmosphere is positive, supportive and nonthreatening to somebody who is just starting.

Probably no surprise to Kyle that my favorite exercise is the punching bag carry. A close second are the 30-second timed intervals of lunges, planks, and wall sits.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

Explore. Continue to look for your training niche. Find what you like to do, make it your passion, and commit to having it be a regular part of your life. Strive for balance - healthy body, healthy mind.

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