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May Member of the Month

This month's member of the month is Steven Rasmussen. Steven has been working with us just shy of 3 months. Throughout the three months of training, Steven has demonstrated a tremendous work-ethic, as well as a willingness to always push the bar higher. This past month Steven pushed an impressive 910 lbs. on the sled, as well as added on just shy of 100 lbs to his deadlift. He also has tryouts this month for going after his dream of becoming a professional baseball player. Awesome work Steven!

Throughout your lifetime, how long have you been working out for and what do you enjoy most about fitness?

I have been working out for about 8 years, I enjoy the feeling of soreness knowing you got a solid workout in.

Since training at K.Shan Performance, what have you learned the most about fitness as well as about yourself?

I have learned a lot about fitness such as utilizing each muscle groups correctly and using even better form for each workout, I have learned that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was.

What do you like most about the workouts? And what is your favorite exercise?

The most I like about workouts is the next challenge of doing more weight, more reps, or a new workout, my favorite workout is anything that works out your core.

What would you recommend to someone looking to start training?

I would recommend that people should find the right workout program directed towards what people's goals are like working at K.Shan Performance was the greatest decision I have ever made, also you need to be dedicated to see the results and achieve those goals because they will not come easily.

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